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Topic For Today 5
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
As I think back upon the previous four years, somehow or another it appears my time at Kiper has been a great deal like a day at the Magic Kingdom. From the second I found out about Disneyland, I realized that I needed to go. I checked the days until I arrived, much the way that I tallied the days until I left Harbor Pointe to move over to Kiper. Time passed so gradually in light of the fact that I was envisioning the incredible occasions ahead. Toward the finish of center school, my cohorts and I thought we were so cool since we got the chance to make that outing to somewhere fun and energizing. On the main day of secondary school, we rose early like enthusiastic children prepared for a day of play. At Disneyland, individuals line up right on time to get their tickets and start their charmed day. As rookies, we arranged ahead of schedule to get our class list, unfathomably excited to at last be here. Our heads were brimming with the tales we had caught wind of how energizing it would be. Much to our dismay what anticipated us. With our affirmation pass, generally known as the timetable, we too got a guide. Like Disneyland's, our own had photos of the ways to take, prompting our differed goals. Some insightful senior had really shading coded mine, so I knew which course to go. Our maps prompted the science lobby, the English corridor and the Performing Arts Center, while Disneyland's directed to Adventure Land, Toon Town and Main Street. Their guide recorded different spots to snatch food like the Rainforest Cafe, Mickey's Kitchen and Rocket Pizza, while our guide flaunted four: the Commons, the East Campus Cafeteria, the Student Store and, God help us, the candy machines. With 10 minutes to go, the class of 2003 flung themselves into the horde of hustling understudies. A portion of the green beans were essentially so happy to be there that the mod didn't... ... as a rookie and gazed up at the block structure known as Kiper. It is immense that we have grown up so rapidly and are going to leave until the end of time. Never again will we as a whole be in a similar spot in time. Every beneficial thing must in the long run end, however the knowledge, the companions and the encounters that have transformed us will stay a piece of us until the end of time. It is incredible that the confirmation pass has lapsed and the entryways are going to close. It is time that we jump out of a storybook dream and into this present reality. After four years, as graduating seniors and youthful grown-ups, the time has come to stow the stuff we gathered, move once again into the vehicle and drive not far off to the future, failing to look back. The time has come to travel out into the world, to make our places as people, a gathering no more and to make our own one of a kind imprint upon the world. Congrats, Class of 2003!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
American Business History
Sometime in the past idea of utilizing innovation was obscure along these lines a significant organization chose to quit making mechanical embellishments, for example, centralized computer PC around then since they thought there is no benefit in it, however as the time passed the need of having PCs expanded remarkably in 1980s. From that point forward a progression of creating PCs began by improving the security, similarity and different issues without fail. At that point comes HP I. e. Hewlett Packard as an answer supplier in data innovation. It planned to serve customers, organizations, and establishments comprehensively (HP, 2009).The surfacing of Information innovation has changed the manner in which individuals do their organizations, rather than tremendous labor for manual tasks; associations currently need an innovation arrangement that is streamlined and simple to perform. The case with foundations is the work of an ideal framework for its working. Purchasers today need to ha ve every household and authority issue to be explained utilizing innovation. HP is renowned for the items it makes, yet from its establishment in 1939 till now it has been giving answers for humanity.Getting began from the development of oscillators for Walt Disney they have reached to the status of propelling Apple iPods being one of the most confided in brands (HP, 2009). The impacts of producing innovation arrangements are immense. The method of living has revolutionalized, center activities have changed their shape. The PC frameworks have become the individual things now in this manner the interest has expanded and with the progression of innovation the expense is chopping down step by step. In this paper, there is an examination on the social changes, social effects, and ideal favorable circumstances we have after the rise of data technology.Cultural Changes The PCs today are among the most fundamental innovation frill which incorporate different things too like TV, weapons, an d so forth. The social changes allude to the adjustment in like manner practices of individuals living in a culture. Normal utilization of PCs has drawn out a change on an open level. With the advancement of innovation everybody has begun hoping for something else and the sky is the limit from there, even a low-class family would require a PC, and in the event that a white collar class or high class family is there, at that point a PC for every head is in demand.Every individual has begun keeping a greater friend network and he stays in contact effectively with everybody of them. The broad utilization of anything doesn't expand the cost, rather the value diminishes and that thing gets reasonable. This moderateness permits individuals to utilize the PCs in various territories e. g. training. Presently individuals feel that if a youngster would take a PC with himself to class, it will be the way in to his better learning. In any case, examines have demonstrated that the PCs of kids ou ght not stay unchecked else it would be similarly negative as the sitting in front of the TV programs untiringly (Dr.David Walsh, 2007). The speculators routinely check the stocks; youths keep themselves refreshed with the most recent scores, or result insights, kids look for help for their schoolwork and studies (Purdy, 2008). The way of life of America has changed significantly, this incorporates the way that an individual who can simply peruse and compose is not any more thought to be instructed until he gets appropriate tutoring and except if he prepares himself to be a PC proficient. The American culture has changed so much that even the individuals in America didn't have any acquaintance with themselves that there way of life is going to change altogether in the following half century.Now from day break to sunset, the majority of the official and household stuff is performed on PC. Each exchange, including cultivating exercises to the gracefully of fundamental necessities, has been mechanized at this point. Banking, food conveyance to home, water gracefully, shopping, perusing, composing, everything has lost its genuine medium and has gone to PCs now since this is where one can play out every one of them. Today, in America, just a couple of occupations would be there without the necessity of PC literacy.Through PCs a large number of the activity positions have been presented, for example, programming designers, programming engineers, equipment professionals, arrange head and so on. Individuals in America are seen as increasingly eager now since they require fast outcomes now. A propensity for performing multiple tasks has gotten standard in culture. Individuals feast, work, convey, and get engaged simultaneously through this single medium. A propensity for lethargy is by and large for all intents and purposes saw as a social propensity now, since individuals have gotten ongoing of doing everything on their PCs now. Presently PCs are an individual possess ion.People can scarcely impart their PCs to other people. The pervasiveness of PCs has built up a propensity for disregarding minor things. In early days individuals with great spellings were exceptional, and others should gain proficiency with this for their tidy. The innovative work is not any more a problem for individuals going to libraries and getting a handle on the reference books and books all finished, rather they use PCs for fast work. In this manner the start of PC as a typical element has changed the lifestyle entirely (Essays. CC, 2004). Social Impact The use of PCs has deserted a few effects on society.Positive effects are in reality uncountable and have been in the conversation above yet socially and ethically it is seen that an incredible crumbling has showed up in the disposition of individuals. Splendid understudies in the class get dependent and begin losing their evaluations; adolescents get spellbound with their gaming exercises so much that they are not really ready to find the misfortune in their examinations. Many kill huge piece of their time in speaking with their old mates, and relative living abroad. Enormous experts burn through their vitality and time in looking through things of their enthusiasm, rather than spending endeavors in their expert growth.Some individuals don't see the time they sat before the PC. These social effects clearly bring about disappointment of various sorts. In spite of the fact that they are utilizing a shrewd gadget of the time still they are experiencing different mental and physical conditions like dry eyes, resting clutters, unpredictable dietary patterns, headache migraines, cleanliness issues, gloom, fixation, lying propensity, spinal pains and so forth (CAS-Computer Addiction Services, 2003). Impacts on Business Industry There would be no two perspectives about the way that organizations have a colossal blast after the development of PC technology.Business isn't confined to a particular zone current ly, yet has extended essentially. The American business has earned a ton from it yet industry can have considerably more. Individuals the vast majority of the occasions don't feel great while doing exchange on their Computer frameworks since they are constantly undermined by the hacking exercises. This security issue confines the clients from doing the exchanges with complete opportunity. With that little organizations have earned great incomes through doing organizations online in one-room association. (Hutchison, 1999).Just on the grounds that the American business was versatile to the progressions which were made to the method of working together, it thrived. These progressions were right from creation, selling, advertising, till the support. Accordingly who at any point adjusted these progressions got achievement. The organizations are creating a result of shared interchanges (Business will Change, 2009). End Computer innovation has altered the way of life of today. In spite of the fact that the PCs had been intended to serve the humankind, however because of its progression, mankind itself needs to arrive at the headway so as to capitalize on it.This is consistent with the point that development of PCs have transformed us more than changing our space. PCs have given us the smooth street of improvement, yet it needs our sharp demeanor to settle on choices in an occurrence to get the outcomes. Rise of advanced PCs have given the best approach to advance innovation and change the climate in our environmental factors for a positive change in the public arena, precisely like the creation of steam motor offered approach to different developments for monetary turn of events. It’s a continuous procedure to initially make innovation than adjust it completely to take advantage of it.Digital Computers direct us to gain proficiency with the memory the executives, stockpiling gadgets, programming language and so on in light of the fact that these are the things that will assist us with inventing more things in innovation. Presently we can oversee greater and diverse association and we can contribute higher sums with unwavering quality because of its development. The development of PC is not quite the same as others since the various innovations broadened certain areas yet PCs quickened us to develop socially (Business will Change, 2009). References Business will Change.(2009, February 13). How aggregate insight will change the manner in which we work together. Recovered February 18, 2009, from Business Will Change: http://www. business-will-change. com/CAS-Computer Addiction Services. (2003). Do any of these accounts sound natural to you? Recovered February 18, 2009, from Computer Addiction Services: http://www. computeraddiction. com/Dr. David Walsh. (2007). How does having a PC impacts you kid's knowledge. Recovered February 18, 2009, from Family Magazine Group: http://www. familymagazinegroup.com/training/story_How+Does+Having+a+Comput er+Affect+Your+%3C%3Ccity%3E%3E+Child%27s+Intelligence%3F. html Essays. CC. (2004). How the Computer has Changed American Culture. Recovered February 18, 2009, from Free Essays, Cliff Notes and Term Papers Database: http://www. articles. cc/free_essays/g5/kzo130. shtml HP. (2009). Organization Information. Recovered February 18, 2009, from HP: http://www. hp. com/hpinfo/record. html? mtxs=corp&mtxb=3&mtxl=1 HP. (2009). http://www. hp. com/hpinfo/abouthp/histnfacts/. Recovered February 18, 2009, from HP: http://www. hp.com/hpinfo/abouthp/histnfacts/Hutchison, M. (1999). Electronic Commerce-How it is affecting the American Industry? Recovered Februa
Monday, August 10, 2020
Letting Go of Physical Gifts
Letting Go of Physical Gifts The two of us tend not to accept physical gifts. Sometimes it’s hard to get people to understand this cultural shift. The best way to approach the no-gift-getting concept is to be proactive: we set the expectation with our friends and family we don’t need any more stuff, and if they want to give us gifts, they can get us experiences we will enjoy; they can celebrate our lives with us by spending time with us, not by piling on more stuff. Of course, most of us don’t want to piss people off: we don’t want to offend. We worry what others will think. Case in pointâ€"we received an interesting email from a reader, Dena, about Joshua’s essay, Letting Go of Sentimental Items: I recently started my minimalist journey, and up until now everything I have let go of has been pretty easy. I just wanted to thank you for this post because you helped me see that we are not our stuff. I now realize I do not have to hold on to something in order to remember a loved one; their memories are inside me. However, I am having trouble getting rid of gifts. It’s not me who has a problem getting rid of them, it’s the people who gave them to me who might get a bit upset. I was wondering if you had any suggestions? I want to get rid of this stuff because I feel like it is holding me up from moving on with my new lifestyle but I do not want to offend anyone. Joshua’s response: Most people won’t notice or won’t care. A few might get offended, and that’s okay. When I left my corporate job, some people got offended. When I stopped checking email every day, some people got offended. When I said “no†to certain past commitments, some people got offended. When I untethered from negative relationships, some people got offended. We can’t let these things bother us, though. I think my friend Julien Smith said it best: “Yes, it’s really happening right at this moment. Some people don’t like you, and guess what? There’s nothing you can do about it. No amount of coercion, toadying, or pandering to their interests will help. In fact, the opposite is often true; the more you stand for something, the more they respect you, whether it’s grudgingly or not. What people truly respect is when you draw the line and say, ‘I will go no further.’ They may not like this behavior, but so what? These people don’t like you anyway, why should you attempt to please them?†It’s okay to toss the stuff if it’s not adding value to your life: donate it, sell it, recycle it. Let go of it so you can focus on what’s important in your life. Most people won’t even notice, especially the people who care about you. Read this essay and 150 others in our new book, Essential.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
E Commerce Term Paper - 2269 Words
E commerce Case Study On DOA: 05-10-2012 DOS: 09-11-2012 Submitted By: Name: Tehzeem Rasool Roll No: A19 Reg No: 11011988 Section: K3R06 Submitted To:†¦show more content†¦* Vision: To become India’s largest online lifestyle products retailer. Industry/Service * Myntra.com is into the e-commerce (online shopping) business. It is an online retailer of fashion and lifestyle products in India. * Products :- * From 2007 to December 2010, Myntra.com was in the business of online demand personalization. The products ranged from * T-shirts, * mugs, * greeting cards, * calendars, * Key chains, diaries, coasters and many such products with photographs. * Myntra pioneered the personalization of sports jerseys and offered sports jerseys of several cricket and football teams such as Team India, IPL amp; FIFA. These jerseys could be personalized with a name and number of the customer’s choice. Products * Myntra has tied up with top fashion and lifestyle brands in India, such as Nike, Reebok, Puma, Adidas, Asics, Lee, Lotto, Decathlon, FIFA, John Miller, Indigo Nation etc. * To offer a wide range of current season merchandise from these brands. Myntra currently offers products from more than 200 Indian and international brands. These include shoes for running, tennis, football, basketball and fitness, along with casual footwear from world-renowned industry leaders like * There are also casual and dressy footwear for women from Catwalk, Carlton London and Red Tape to name a few.Show MoreRelatedThe Analysis And Ratio Analysis1012 Words  | 5 PagesThe methodology of this paper adopts the document analysis and ratio analysis. The information regarding the board characteristics and the financial figures collect from annual reports which are published on the official website of target companies. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
These Health Professionals Have Different Perspectives
These health professionals have different perspectives regarding Type 2 Diabetes services due to their conflicting values and beliefs. GPs are not in hierarchies, which signifies that they prefer making decisions independently, as compared to the collaborative work of PCNs (Glouberman Minztberg, 2001). GPs believe that medicine and research are more vital for a patient (Glouberman Minztberg, 2001). They focus on the treatment of diabetes, so long-term care is not carried out extensively by most GPs (Glouberman Minztberg, 2001). PCNs are interested in providing care for patients and have a different attitude towards Type 2 Diabetes services. They tend to value continuous and cooperative care, and do not solely rely on cure such as†¦show more content†¦According to Crosland, et al., (2003), GPs who encourage screening for their patients believe that it provides an early detection for diabetes, which is important in terms of the cure delivered by GPs. However, this common pe rspective exists because GPs typically believe that patients demand an early diagnosis (Crosland, et al., 2003). According to the same study, GPs were not concerned about whether the patients understood the consequences of screening (Crosland, et al., 2003). On the other hand, PCNs were concerned about the patient’s knowledge regarding the treatments available. In this study, the nurses were able to describe experiences of patient anxiety resulting from screening (Crosland, et al., 2003). This compares to GPs, who believe that screening fulfils patients’ needs (Crosland, et al., 2003). Although GPs state that they believe in screening due to patient satisfaction, they may be more interested in the treatment aspect. Whereas, PCNs are focused on ensuring that the patient is comfortable and their expectations are met. In this study, GPs were hesitant to screen in deprived areas and the elderly population (Crosland, et al., 2003). This results due to the attitudes of GPs, who believe that elderly patients are more reluctant towards changing their lifestyle. This shows that PCNs are more likely to provide care for these patients than GPs. GPs might value screening services greater than PCNs because of treatment purposes. Usually GPs believe thatShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Adolescent Parenthood Essay1605 Words  | 7 Pagesexclusion, balancing education and the acceptance of Ashley’s parents to keep the baby and of her relationship with Ben. One thing that I strongly disagree with and very shocking to me in the whole case study is that Ashley’s own mother wants her to have an abortion. Although teenage parenthood comes with a wide variety of challenges, this can also be a positive opportunity for both teens to prove everyone and the stereotypes wrong. It can help them grow individually and as a couple. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Night Creature Crescent Moon Chapter 35 Free Essays
â€Å"Oh, my God. Oh, my God.†I couldn’t stop muttering, couldn’t stop staring. We will write a custom essay sample on Night Creature: Crescent Moon Chapter 35 or any similar topic only for you Order Now How could this be? I’d touched Adam with silver. He hadn’t minded. The thing in the cage appeared mad, throwing his body against the metal, trying to chew a way out. Blood marred the white spittle dripping from his snout. Maybe the wolf was rabid after all. â€Å"That’s not a wolf,†I whispered. Absently I shoved the key into my pocket, and my fingertips brushed the gris-gris. The animal howled as if in pain and began to change. The transformation was something from a horror film; at first my mind refused to accept what my eyes couldn’t help but see. The sleek, dark fur receded, becoming shorter and shorter as if it were being sucked through the skin. Paws became feet at the ends of legs and hands at the ends of arms. The claws evaporated the same way the fur had. The neck twisted; the spine lengthened; the animal moaned. Going from quadrapedal to bipedal couldn’t feel good. His snout shortened, dividing into nose and mouth as the canine teeth shrank. The tail disappeared with a thick, wet thunk. The eyes remained the same. Inside the cage stood a naked Adam Ruelle. He didn’t appear upset to be revealed a monster. Didn’t seem to care he was in his altogether for the world to see. In fact, he seemed to like it, or maybe, if the size of his erection was any indication, he liked me. What he didn’t like was the cage. He slammed both hands against the bars and growled, â€Å"Let me out†I shook my head. I couldn’t speak. â€Å"Goddammit, bitch, set me free!†I blinked. That didn’t sound like Adam. Of course, what did I know? I’d believed him when he said he wasn’t the loup-garou. He tilted his head to stare at the crescent moon. â€Å"How did you do it?†â€Å"D-do what?†â€Å"Make me shift.†His voice was heated, his gaze anything but. Staring into his eyes, I was reminded of Lazarus – cold-blooded and empty of emotion. This man would kill without flinching and forget about it before the blood dried on the ground. The Adam I knew wasn’t exactly warm and fuzzy, but he wasn’t evil. Or maybe I’d just been too busy getting my brains screwed out to notice. My hand ached from clutching the gris-gris. I glanced down, opened my fingers, and understood. I’d been unable to see the truth until magic cleared my eyes. â€Å"I ran as a wolf under de crescent moon. I have no choice.†I lifted my gaze. â€Å"The curse.†â€Å"Oui. But I become a man when I choose, or when de sun comes.†He swept a hand down his body. â€Å"This was not my choice.†I folded my fingers around the gris-gris. I had asked for the truth. â€Å"Why you lock me up like this?†he whispered. â€Å"You know I’d come to you in de night. I like to hear you scream when I fuck you. You didn’t have to put me in a cage.†I winced at his language and the thought I’d been sleeping with a monster. I’d believed myself in love with him, had begun to imagine a life together. I was a fool. â€Å"Let me go, and I’ll do you right here.†He took himself in his hand and pumped, then moaned a little. The sound was more of a growl and marched along my skin like biting red ants. â€Å"I’ve been imagining such things, Diana. You, me, this way and that. Have you ever wanted to mate with a beast?†My eyes widened. I couldn’t speak. Adam seemed like a completely different man. Was he possessed by Satan under the crescent moon? Apparently. â€Å"I’ll shift again. It’ll be doggie style like you’ve never had before. And if you make me howl, I won’t even kill you tonight†I took a step back and he smiled. Were his teeth growing longer along with his – ? I yanked my gaze away, but not before he saw my unease and smirked. â€Å"With de flower I marked you as mine.†How could that be? Adam had taken the fire irises away from me, thrown them into the swamp, told me not to pick them again. Was he schizophrenic? That would make a certain kind of sense. I’d read all of Simon’s research into lycanthropy. Many psychiatrists and other physicians believed the historical reports of werewolves stemmed from the behavior of the insane. Back then mental illness was labeled possession. I stared at Adam, locked in a cage. I could understand the theory. â€Å"I watched you whenever I could. De others knew you were mine to keep or kill.†I guess I hadn’t been crazy when I’d heard more than one wolf in the swamp, seen slinky shadows hi town. History often repeated itself, and one of its great lessons is that evil loves to beget evil. ‘I wanted to be inside you that first night,†he continued, â€Å"but de crescent moon called. I had to make do with a few touches.†No wonder I’d had such an erotic dream at the hotel on Bourbon Street My skin went clammy at that memory and several others. â€Å"Set me free. I’ll get out sooner or later. But if it’s later, you’ll pay. I will do tilings you never imagined. I will keep you alive forever. You will beg to die, Diana, and I will never let you go.†I wasn’t stupid. If I let him out now, obsession or no, he’d kill me. I rubbed my thumb over the outline of the key in my pocket. If I had my way, he would never see freedom again. â€Å"I have to get back to de boy,†he whispered. â€Å"He expects me come morning.†Black dots danced in front of my eyes. Luc. How could I have forgotten? I couldn’t connect the man who’d so tenderly held his son, who had refused to allow me near him lest the boy be hurt when I left, to the one who spoke so calmly of both killing and fucking me. Definitely possessed by Satan. Without another word, I walked away. Adam’s voice followed me down the trail: â€Å"What de hell? You think you can leave me here?†â€Å"Just did,†I muttered. â€Å"I will kill you!†â€Å"Redundant.†â€Å"I will tear out your guts and strangle you with them. I will drink your blood; I will bathe in it.†â€Å"Original.†And pretty scary. Nevertheless, I had to get to Luc and take him away. I ran all the way back to the mansion, grabbed my stuff, and tossed everything into the trunk except the dart gun, Cassandra’s knife, and my cell phone. Those I placed on the front seat. I stared at Adam’s pistol for a second, then realized he wouldn’t have helped me out by loading it with silver, and left the thing in the trunk. Around my waist I secured a fanny pack with my money and travel documents. As I climbed behind the wheel, a howl rose toward the descending moon. Uneasy, I glanced at the swaying swamp. That had sounded close. I floored the accelerator, spewing grass and dirt until I fishtailed onto the highway. Then I used one hand to dial Frank. Since it was the middle of the night, I wasn’t surprised when his machine answered. â€Å"Your loup-garou is confined in a cage in the swamp about a mile east of the Ruelle Mansion,†I said. â€Å"If you have a problem finding him, call Detective Conner Sullivan and have him take you to the place where Charlie died.†I hung up and muttered, â€Å"The first time.†I didn’t consider where I was going, what I was doing, or how I would hide from Adam for the next fifty years. I focused all my attention on getting to Luc and getting him gone. The moon was nearly down; the sun would soon be up. I parked in front of Adam’s trailer. I’d walked halfway to the door before I went back and grabbed the knife. â€Å"Better safe than sorry,†I murmured, and tucked the weapon into the pack at my waist I decided to make that my mantra. A few seconds later, hand poised to knock, mind occupied constructing a stupendous lie for Sadie, the babysitter, I hesitated, then tried the doorknob. The door swung inward without a sound. After glancing over one shoulder, then the other, I scampered inside. I’d been bent on doing anything it took to get to the child and then kidnap him, but strolling into a house uninvited made me uncomfortable. I crept down the hall. In the first room, Sadie slept on the bed. I pulled the door shut and moved on to the room illuminated by a night-light. A gaggle of boy toys – a football, a bat, a deck of cards that appeared to have been the victim of fifty-two pickup – were strewn across the floor, as well as several dirty T-shirts and a dozen smelly socks. Luc lay on top of the covers, arms and legs flung apart with wild abandon. I let out the breath I’d been holding in a rush and Luc’s eyes snapped open. He must have been a real treat to get down for a nap as a baby. I put my finger to my lips, and he grinned as I hurried across the floor to kneel at his side. Before I could speak, he flung his arms around my neck and hugged me. What I wouldn’t give to be able to trust like that. After this, I probably never would. â€Å"We’re going on a trip,†I whispered. â€Å"Do you have a suitcase?†â€Å"You and me and Daddy?†he whispered back. â€Å"Just you and me.†â€Å"Is that OK with Daddy?†â€Å"No,†said a familiar voice from the door. How to cite Night Creature: Crescent Moon Chapter 35, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Primary Causes of Obesity in Memphis free essay sample
The Primary Cause of Obesity in Memphis: Poor Nutrition, Lack of Exercise, and Poverty It is no question that Americas obesity rates are among the highest in the world. Obesity rates are high in almost all U. S. cities but, which city is the fattest? Newsweek magazine named Memphis, Tennessee to be the fattest city in 2012 (Lollar). There is no argument Memphis obesity rates are ridiculously high but, there is controversy about why Memphis is the fattest city and what people can do to change. Some think that lack of exercise and poor diet is the problem. Some say that lack of education is the issue. Others even think that the government is causing obesity rates to skyrocket. I believe that poor diet and the lack of physical activity are causing Memphis to be one of the fattest cities in the world. This is only one opinion on a topic that is stirring up controversy but is also giving a bad reputation to Memphis, The Home of The Blues. We will write a custom essay sample on Primary Causes of Obesity in Memphis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Obesity rates in Memphis are high; thats a fact. The controversy around this topic is based on the arguments of why obesity rates are high. There are many arguments made on this topic that will be introduced and analyzed. But first, there are many key terms that the average person might not fully understand. The first term examined is body mass index or BMI. BMI is a measurement that is used to deem someone as being underweight or overweight. To calculate someones BMI you divide a persons mass(kg) by their height(m2) (Wikipedia. com). The BMI chart lists as follows: very severely underweight less than 15, severely underweight from 15. 0 to 16. 0, underweight from 16. 0 to 18. 5, normal (healthy weight)from 18. to 25, overweight from 25 to 30, obese class I (moderately obese)from 30 to 35, obese class II (severely bese)from 35 to 40, obese class Ill (very severely obese)over 40 (Wikipedia. com). The next term is one that is often used is overweight. This is a term used to designate the area between normal weight and obese. Overweight means having a BMI from 25 to 30. The next term is obese, which means a person has a BM I over 30. In 2012, 29. 7 percent of people in Memphis were considered obese. When a person is obese they have enough excess body fat to cause health risks such as heart disease and type II diabetes. The next key term is food desert. A food desert is defined as an rea where affordable healthy food is difficult to obtain, particularly for those without access to an automobile. (Wikipedia. com). Memphis is a prime example of a food desert being that it is fourth in the country for food deserts. A large number of various fast food chains are all around Memphis, while healthy and more natural foods are much more difficult to attain. The last key term is saturated fat. Saturated fats are made of triglycerides and have only saturated fatty acids. These types of fats are found in many animal fats including butter, ice cream, chocolate, and cheese. Saturated fats have been associated with many diseases in the past including cancer and heart disease (Wikipedia). Obesity is an epidemic that continues to grow among the U. S. , as well as many other countries around the world. Many ask how and when obesity first started to become such a huge problem in America. One main reason obesity has become so But, why has our society become more and more sedentary over the years? One reason that has been studied by Alabama Cooperative Extension Nutritionist Dr. Robert Keith is the electronic home media that became extremely popular during the arly 1980s (Wile). Instead of getting physical activity from outdoor activities, children started to stay inside more and play video games or watching television (Wile). As home video game systems emerged along with newer technology in television over the past few decades, obesity rates have exponentially increases. It is also believed that high fructose corn syrup that was introduced to foods in the 1970s. High fructose corn syrup is currently found in many foods and drinks such as soda, cookies, Juices, and candy (Wile).
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